Kenneth B. Driver
51 Louisiana Avenue NorthWest, Washington, DC 20001
About Kenneth B. Driver
Practice Areas
- Energy, Oil & Gas Law
- Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, District of Columbia, 1995J.D.
- James Madison University, 1989B.S.
- Honors: cum laude
- Honors: With Distinction
Representative Cases
- AEP applies to FERC to be relieved of the mandatory obligation to enter into new power purchase arrangements from qualifying facilities under PURPA
- AEP completes financing of Desert Sky wind power facility
- AEP defends against claims challenging the legality of power sales contracts
- AEP prevails as FERC's order was sustained when petitioner voluntarily dismissed its appeal
- AEP successfully petitions the Supreme Court to review the Ninth Circuit’s decision
- Areva SA and Électricité de France sell Cogema Mining, Inc. and Malapai Resources Company subsidiaries for $35 million (2010)
- Banco Santander, BBVA, and Caixa Banco de Investimento finance thermal solar electric generating facility project in Nevada (2009)
- CenterPoint applies for an authorization request from DOT's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration for a "special permit"
- CenterPoint Energy Gas Transmission complies with FERC negotiated rate regulations and policies
- CenterPoint Energy seeks advice on natural gas transportation regulations and policies
- CenterPoint obtains regulatory approval for the certification of new pipeline facilities
- CenterPoint obtains regulatory authorizations for pipeline construction and abandonment initiatives
- CenterPoint participates in pipeline industry activities related to FERC notices of inquiry, policy initiatives and notices of proposed rulemakings
- CenterPoint responds to DOT pipeline integrity compliance audit
- CenterPoint secures reversal and remand of FERC's Order No. 2004 affiliate Standards of Conduct rules
- CenterPoint's Mississippi River Transmission negotiates systemwide rates for all services
- Central & South West obtains regulatory and antitrust clearance for $12.3 billion merger with AEP
- KU Energy Corp merges with LG&E Corp.
- NorAm Energy merges with Houston Industries to form CenterPoint
- OGE Energy acquires interest in McClain power plant
- OGE purchases Redbud power plant from Kelson (2009)
- OGE works with Invenergy Wind to build Centennial Wind Farm (2009)
- Oklahoma Gas and Electric obtains regulatory approval for power purchase agreement with PowerSmith Cogeneration
- Oklahoma Gas and Electric seeks bids for delivery of wind energy resources
- Otter Tail completes its transition to a holding company structure (2009)
- Southwestern Electric Power defends against claims to determine financial responsibility for local distribution facilities
Bar Admissions
- District of Columbia
- Virginia
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- Energy, Oil & Gas Law
The power of the lawyer is in the uncertainty of the law.